Sunday, January 22, 2012

Training AND Wedding Update! :)

Okay. I have to admit. I've been a slacker.

In my defense, I was in a car wreck, and my neck hurt for most of the week. Not to mention the drugs...(prescription of course)

I still have some once-in-a-while spasms in my neck and back, and I'm starting to think the knots (a.k.a. "lymphnodes") are going to set up permanent residence in my neck...but for the most part, I am feeling much better, and am ready to get back to it.

Here is what Week 2 was supposed to look like:                                         

Week 2 Mon
AM Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
PM 3 mile P
AM Plyometrics
PM 2 mile F
AM Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
PM 4 mile P
AM Yoga X
AM Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
PM 3 mile E
AM Kenpo X
PM 2 mile H
AM Stretch X

Here is what it really looked like:
Week 2 Mon
AM Skipped out...
PM Didn't even go into work...
AM Stayed home from work again...
PM Stretch X 
AM At least went to work...
PM Came home and took drugs...
AM Met with lawyer.
PM Wasted my time with mono doctor...
AM Legs & Back, half of Ab Ripper X (hurray!)
PM Got a good run in: 3 mile H (2 of 'em F)
(hurray again!)
AM Watched nephew's basketball game...
PM Hung out with family & friends...
AM Went to church. Took nap...
PM Played an indoor soccer game!
So yeah. I pretty much blew it as far as the training schedule goes. I did the P90X Stretch workout on Tuesday, and that really did help a lot with the stiffness, but after that I was pretty much spent for the day. Wednesday was my first day back to work, and after that, I came home, took some pain meds and totally vegged out on the couch. Thursday was the first day I felt like I could probably do something resembling a real workout, but I was 1) busy and 2) scared of making the pain come back.

Friday was a good day! We got up early and did the P90X Legs & Back workout, and attempted doing the Ab Ripper X...but I made it into the first 5 minutes or so, and then my neck couldn't handle the strain I quit and got ready for work. Friday was such a nice day, and I was determined to attempt running at least ONE day this past week. I set out to do 3 miles...and managed to do the first 2 at a pretty brisk pace (about 9:10...which is fairly fast for me), plus it was a hilly by mile 3 I just ran it kinda slow because it was mostly uphill...but I managed to finish the full 3 miles in 28:34, which is a pretty good time for me. I was proud of myself! :) Then we went to eat swordfish for dinner at Powerhouse (Thank you LivingSocial)!

Saturday we got up really early and drove to Oklahoma to watch my 8-year-old nephew play some little league basketball. Very entertaining, if I do say so myself :) We hung out with my sister, brother-in-law and the kiddos that afternoon, and then came home and spent the evening with some good friends...Not exactly productive in the workout arena, but enjoyable nonetheless! :)

Today I had really good intentions of doing the Kenpo X workout, since I skipped out yesterday (and most of the rest of the week for that matter)...but it didn't happen. We got up, went to church, came home and took a nice afternoon nap...woke up, ate some leftovers for lunch, and then it was time for my indoor soccer game. We lost, but I can definitely say I ran a lot!

This week is supposed to be a repeat of the P90X schedule, and my goal is to get up every morning and stick to that this week. The Freakin' Eurekan is exactly 3 weeks from yesterday, and I need to kick it in gear. My running schedule for the coming week (Week 3) looks like this:

Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Total
3 4 mile E 3 mile F 5 mile P REST 3 mile P 3 mile H REST 18 miles

My plan is to stick to it for the most part. Wednesday is my "long" run for the week...5 if I can accomplish that, I will be happy, and hopefully pretty well back on schedule. If for some reason I don't make it to 5 miles on Wednesday, I am just going to keep trying until I make it that far at my race pace goal of about 9:30-9:45 per mile. I will keep you posted :)

On a completely different note, I have some other exciting news! 

Our beach wedding ceremony is officially less than 4 months away! I am currently working on all kinds of fun stuff to prepare for that...finalizing details for our passport invitations (I told you about them here), completing our gift registries and setting up a honeymoon registry (I will tell you more about that in a future post!), etc. As of Thursday, all four of my bridesmaids are booked for the trip! Our guest list is growing, and as of right now, we have 19 rooms booked at our resort for the wedding...which means we are one room away from qualifying for the free wedding package that the Iberostar Cozumel offers! :) :) :)

I can't wait to get some more of the details finished and get to post an update with's going to be fun :) But for's almost 10:00, which means it is bedtime for this girl, and P90X in the morning!


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